Uses of Class

Packages that use Coordinate
palmed.edit Implements a custom text edit box. 
palmed.edit.scrollbar Provides a custom scrollbar. 
palmed.edit.selection Provides high-level text operations. 
palmed.edit.text Manages text related operations. 
palmed.edit.util Provides various convenient classes. 
palmed.edit.view Handles a viewed area. 

Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit

Methods in palmed.edit with parameters of type Coordinate
 void TextBox.update(Coordinate position)
          Notify the insertion position has changed.
 void TextArea.update(Coordinate position)
          Notify the insertion position has changed.
 void Content.update(Coordinate position)
          Notify the insertion position has changed.

Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.scrollbar

Methods in palmed.edit.scrollbar with parameters of type Coordinate
 void VerticalScrollbar.scrolled(Coordinate position)
          The content has scrolled to the given position.
 void HorizontalScrollbar.scrolled(Coordinate position)
          The content has scrolled to the given position.

Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.selection

Methods in palmed.edit.selection with parameters of type Coordinate
 void ISelectionView.update(Coordinate position)
          Notify the insertion position has changed.

Constructors in palmed.edit.selection with parameters of type Coordinate
CharacterInsertion(ISelection selection, IText text, char value, Coordinate insertion)
          Create a type action.
NewLineInsertion(ISelection selection, IText text, Coordinate insertion)
          Create an enter action.
SelectionReplacement(ISelection selection, IText text, char value, Coordinate insertion)
          Create a type action.

Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.text

Methods in palmed.edit.text with parameters of type Coordinate
 void Text.insert(Coordinate position, char c)
          Insert a character at a given position.
 void LargeText.insert(Coordinate position, char c)
          Insert a character at a given position.
 void IText.insert(Coordinate position, char c)
          Insert a character at a given position.
 void Text.insertNewLine(Coordinate position)
          Split a line in two lines.
 void LargeText.insertNewLine(Coordinate position)
          Split a line in two lines.
 void IText.insertNewLine(Coordinate position)
          Split a line in two lines.
 void stream, Coordinate from)
          Insert a part of text from the given stream.
 void stream, Coordinate from)
          Insert a part of text from the given stream.
 void stream, Coordinate from)
          Insert a part of text from the given stream.
 void Text.remove(Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Remove the text between two positions.
 void LargeText.remove(Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Remove the text between two positions.
 void IText.remove(Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Remove the text between two positions.
 void text, Coordinate coordinate)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void text, Coordinate coordinate)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void text, Coordinate coordinate)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void text, Coordinate coordinate)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void text, Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void text, Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void text, Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Notify a text matches the search criteria.
 void Text.write( stream, Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Write a part of the text to the given stream.
 void LargeText.write( stream, Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Write a part of the text to the given stream.
 void IText.write( stream, Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
          Write a part of the text to the given stream.

Constructors in palmed.edit.text with parameters of type Coordinate
CoordinateExtractor(Coordinate coordinate, ICoordinateExtractor functor)
          Create a coordinate extractor.

Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.util

Methods in palmed.edit.util with parameters of type Coordinate
 boolean Coordinate.lessThan(Coordinate other)
          Test if the coordinate is less than another.

Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.view

Methods in palmed.edit.view with parameters of type Coordinate
 void IScrollView.scrolled(Coordinate position)
          The content has scrolled to the given position.
 void Viewport.update(Coordinate position)
          Notify the insertion position has changed.
 void NullView.update(Coordinate coordinate)
          Notify the insertion position has changed.

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