Packages that use Coordinate | |
palmed.edit | Implements a custom text edit box. |
palmed.edit.scrollbar | Provides a custom scrollbar. |
palmed.edit.selection | Provides high-level text operations. |
palmed.edit.text | Manages text related operations. |
palmed.edit.util | Provides various convenient classes. |
palmed.edit.view | Handles a viewed area. |
Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit |
Methods in palmed.edit with parameters of type Coordinate | |
void |
TextBox.update(Coordinate position)
Notify the insertion position has changed. |
void |
TextArea.update(Coordinate position)
Notify the insertion position has changed. |
void |
Content.update(Coordinate position)
Notify the insertion position has changed. |
Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.scrollbar |
Methods in palmed.edit.scrollbar with parameters of type Coordinate | |
void |
VerticalScrollbar.scrolled(Coordinate position)
The content has scrolled to the given position. |
void |
HorizontalScrollbar.scrolled(Coordinate position)
The content has scrolled to the given position. |
Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.selection |
Methods in palmed.edit.selection with parameters of type Coordinate | |
void |
ISelectionView.update(Coordinate position)
Notify the insertion position has changed. |
Constructors in palmed.edit.selection with parameters of type Coordinate | |
CharacterInsertion(ISelection selection,
IText text,
char value,
Coordinate insertion)
Create a type action. |
NewLineInsertion(ISelection selection,
IText text,
Coordinate insertion)
Create an enter action. |
SelectionReplacement(ISelection selection,
IText text,
char value,
Coordinate insertion)
Create a type action. |
Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.text |
Methods in palmed.edit.text with parameters of type Coordinate | |
void |
Text.insert(Coordinate position,
char c)
Insert a character at a given position. |
void |
LargeText.insert(Coordinate position,
char c)
Insert a character at a given position. |
void |
IText.insert(Coordinate position,
char c)
Insert a character at a given position. |
void |
Text.insertNewLine(Coordinate position)
Split a line in two lines. |
void |
LargeText.insertNewLine(Coordinate position)
Split a line in two lines. |
void |
IText.insertNewLine(Coordinate position)
Split a line in two lines. |
void |
Text.read(java.io.InputStream stream,
Coordinate from)
Insert a part of text from the given stream. |
void |
LargeText.read(java.io.InputStream stream,
Coordinate from)
Insert a part of text from the given stream. |
void |
IText.read(java.io.InputStream stream,
Coordinate from)
Insert a part of text from the given stream. |
void |
Text.remove(Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Remove the text between two positions. |
void |
LargeText.remove(Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Remove the text between two positions. |
void |
IText.remove(Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Remove the text between two positions. |
void |
TextDeserializer.select(IText text,
Coordinate coordinate)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
NewLineInserter.select(IText text,
Coordinate coordinate)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
ICoordinateExtractor.select(IText text,
Coordinate coordinate)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
CharacterInserter.select(IText text,
Coordinate coordinate)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
TextSerializer.select(IText text,
Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
TextEraser.select(IText text,
Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
ITextExtractor.select(IText text,
Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Notify a text matches the search criteria. |
void |
Text.write(java.io.OutputStream stream,
Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Write a part of the text to the given stream. |
void |
LargeText.write(java.io.OutputStream stream,
Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Write a part of the text to the given stream. |
void |
IText.write(java.io.OutputStream stream,
Coordinate from,
Coordinate to)
Write a part of the text to the given stream. |
Constructors in palmed.edit.text with parameters of type Coordinate | |
CoordinateExtractor(Coordinate coordinate,
ICoordinateExtractor functor)
Create a coordinate extractor. |
Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.util |
Methods in palmed.edit.util with parameters of type Coordinate | |
boolean |
Coordinate.lessThan(Coordinate other)
Test if the coordinate is less than another. |
Uses of Coordinate in palmed.edit.view |
Methods in palmed.edit.view with parameters of type Coordinate | |
void |
IScrollView.scrolled(Coordinate position)
The content has scrolled to the given position. |
void |
Viewport.update(Coordinate position)
Notify the insertion position has changed. |
void |
NullView.update(Coordinate coordinate)
Notify the insertion position has changed. |