AboutCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'about' command.
AboutCommand(MIDlet, Display, Displayable) - Constructor for class palmed.command.AboutCommand
Create an 'about' command.
AboutDialog - Class in palmed.ui
This dialog shows an 'about' box.
AboutDialog(MIDlet, Display, Displayable) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.AboutDialog
Create an 'about' dialog.
AbstractAction - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class factorizes behaviours common to all actions.
AbstractAction(ISelection) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Create an abstract action.
accept() - Method in class palmed.command.CloseConfirmationListener
The user accepted.
accept(ILineVisitor, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Visit a line of text.
accept(ILineVisitor, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Visit a line of text.
accept(ILineVisitor, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Visit a line of text.
accept(ILineVisitor, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Visit a line of text.
accept(ILineVisitor, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Visit a line of text.
accept(IDirectoryVisitor) - Method in class palmed.file.Directory
Visit the current directory.
accept(IDirectoryVisitor) - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectory
Visit the current directory.
accept(IDirectoryVisitor) - Method in class palmed.file.Root
Visit the current directory.
accept() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IConfirmationListener
The user accepted.
add(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Add an action to the undo list.
add(ICachable) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Add a component.
add(ICachable) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICache
Add a component.
add(IComponent) - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
Add a component in the container.
add(ICommand, String) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IToolbar
Add a button to the toolbar.
add(ICommand, String) - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Add a button to the toolbar.
allowCreation(boolean) - Method in class palmed.file.FileBrowser
Add or remove the possibility to create a new file and select it.
append(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ITextBuilder
Append a piece of text.
appendMessage(String) - Method in class palmed.ui.Dialog
Append a text message to the dialog.
appendNewLine() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ITextBuilder
Append a new line.
available() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
available() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream


backspace() - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Handle a backspace event.
backspace() - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Handle a backspace event.
backspace() - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Handle a backspace event.
backupData() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Backup the selected text.
backward() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Extend selection one character backward.
backward() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Extend selection one character backward.
Buffer - Class in palmed.buffer
This class implements an association between a text box content and a file.
Buffer(ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Create an empty buffer.
BufferException - Exception in palmed.buffer
This class represents an exception for buffer operations.
BufferException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception palmed.buffer.BufferException
Create a buffer exception.
BufferException(String) - Constructor for exception palmed.buffer.BufferException
Create a buffer exception.
BufferException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception palmed.buffer.BufferException
Create a buffer exception.
BufferFactory - Class in palmed.buffer
This class implements a factory for buffers.
BufferFactory(IRecordFactory, ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.buffer.BufferFactory
Create a buffer factory.
Button - Class in palmed.ui
This class implements a clickable button.
Button(ICommand, ICommandListener, String) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.Button
Create a button.


Cache - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class implements a cache based on records.
Cache(IRecordFactory, int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Create a cache.
cancel() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IInputListener
The user canceled the operation.
ChainedException - Exception in palmed.util
This class implements a chainable exception.
ChainedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception palmed.util.ChainedException
Create a chained exception.
ChainedException(String) - Constructor for exception palmed.util.ChainedException
Create a chained exception.
ChainedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception palmed.util.ChainedException
Create a chained exception.
CharacterDeletion - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to delete the previous character from the current insertion point.
CharacterDeletion(ISelection) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterDeletion
Create a delete action.
CharacterInserter - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class provides a means to insert a character in a text.
CharacterInserter(char) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.CharacterInserter
Create a character inserter.
CharacterInsertion - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to insert a character at a given position.
CharacterInsertion(ISelection, IText, char, Coordinate) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterInsertion
Create a type action.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Reset the content.
clear() - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Clear the text box.
clear() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Clear selection.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Clear selection.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Clear the undo and redo lists.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Clear the cache.
clear() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICache
Clear the cache.
clear() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Clear the text.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Clear the text.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Clear the text.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Clear the text box.
clear() - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Reset the content.
clear() - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Reset the content.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Handle a click event at a given location.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Handle a click event.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Handle a click event.
click(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Handle a click event.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Handle a click event.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Handle a click event.
click(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Handle a click event at a given location.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Handle a click event at a given location.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Handle a click event.
click(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Handle a click event.
click(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Handle a click event.
close() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Close the current buffer.
close() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Close the current buffer.
close() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
close() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
CloseCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'close' command.
CloseCommand(Display, IBufferManager, IResult) - Constructor for class palmed.command.CloseCommand
Create a close command.
CloseConfirmationListener - Class in palmed.command
This class implements a close confirmation listener.
CloseConfirmationListener(IBufferManager, IResult) - Constructor for class palmed.command.CloseConfirmationListener
Create a close confirmation listener.
commandAction(Command, Displayable) - Method in class palmed.command.PreferencesDialog
commandAction(Command, Displayable) - Method in class palmed.file.FileBrowser
commandAction(Command, Displayable) - Method in class palmed.ui.AboutDialog
commandAction(Command, Displayable) - Method in class palmed.ui.ConfirmationDialog
commandAction(Command, Displayable) - Method in class palmed.ui.InputDialog
complete() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IResult
Report the completion of the operation.
complete() - Method in class palmed.Result
Report the completion of the operation.
Component - Class in palmed.ui
This class implements a component within a container.
Component(IComponent) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.Component
Create a component.
Configuration - Class in palmed.option
This class stores configuration keys and values.
Configuration() - Constructor for class palmed.option.Configuration
Create a configuration manager.
configure(Graphics, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.LineDrawer
Configure the drawer context.
ConfirmationDialog - Class in palmed.ui
This dialog prompts the user for a yes/no choice.
ConfirmationDialog(String, String, String, IConfirmationListener) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.ConfirmationDialog
Create a confirmation dialog.
Container - Class in palmed.ui
This class implements a graphical container of components.
Container() - Constructor for class palmed.ui.Container
Create a container.
Content - Class in palmed.edit
This class encapsulates text and selection manipulations.
Content(IText) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.Content
Create a content.
Coordinate - Class in palmed.edit.util
This class encapsulates a two integers coordinate.
Coordinate() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
Create a coordinate (0,0).
Coordinate(int, int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
Create a coordinate (x,y).
CoordinateExtractor - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class implements a coordinate extractor.
CoordinateExtractor(Coordinate, ICoordinateExtractor) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.CoordinateExtractor
Create a coordinate extractor.
copy() - Method in class palmed.command.CopyPasteManager
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Copy the current selected text.
copy(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Copy the current selected text.
CopyCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'copy' command.
CopyCommand(CopyPasteManager) - Constructor for class palmed.command.CopyCommand
Create a copy command.
CopyPasteManager - Class in palmed.command
This class manages copy/paste operations.
CopyPasteManager(ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.command.CopyPasteManager
Create a copy/paste controller.
create(String) - Method in class palmed.file.Directory
Create a sub-directory.
create(String) - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectory
Create a sub-directory.
create(String) - Method in class palmed.file.Root
Create a sub-directory.
createBuffer() - Method in class palmed.buffer.BufferFactory
Create an empty buffer.
createBuffer() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferFactory
Create an empty buffer.
createRecord(ISerializable) - Method in interface palmed.io.IRecordFactory
Create a record.
createRecord(ISerializable) - Method in class palmed.io.RecordFactory
Create a record.
cut() - Method in class palmed.command.CopyPasteManager
Cut the current selected text.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Cut the current selected text.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Cut the current selected text.
Cut - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to cut the selected text.
Cut(ISelection, OutputStream) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.Cut
Create a cut action.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Cut the current selected text.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Cut the current selected text.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Cut the current selected text.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Cut the current selected text.
cut(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Cut the current selected text.
CutCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'cut' command.
CutCommand(CopyPasteManager) - Constructor for class palmed.command.CutCommand
Create a cut command.


delete() - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Delete the buffer.
delete() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBuffer
Delete the buffer.
delete() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Delete the buffer.
delete() - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Delete any resource associated to the current content.
delete() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Delete selection.
delete() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Delete selection.
delete() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Delete the cache.
delete() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICache
Delete the cache.
delete() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Delete any resource associated to the text.
delete() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Delete any resource associated to the text.
delete() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Delete any resource associated to the text.
delete() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Delete any resource associated to the current content.
delete() - Method in interface palmed.io.IRecord
Delete the record.
delete() - Method in class palmed.io.Record
Delete the record.
destroyApp(boolean) - Method in class palmed.PalmEd
Dialog - Class in palmed.ui
This class factorizes common behaviour to all dialog windows.
Dialog(String) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.Dialog
Create a dialog window.
Directory - Class in palmed.file
This class implements a directory descriptor.
Directory(IDirectory, String) - Constructor for class palmed.file.Directory
Create a descriptor.
DirectoryVisitor - Class in palmed.file
This class retrieves the content of a given directory.
DirectoryVisitor() - Constructor for class palmed.file.DirectoryVisitor
Create a directory visitor.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Handle a drag event to a given location.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Handle a drag event.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Handle a drag event.
drag(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Handle a drag event.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Handle a drag event.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Handle a drag event.
drag(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Handle a drag event to a given location.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Handle a drag event to a given location.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Handle a drag event.
drag(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Handle a drag event.
drag(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Handle a drag event.
draw(Graphics, String, int, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.IFont
Draw the given characters.
draw(Graphics, String, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.MonospacedFont
Draw the given characters.
drawArrow(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Draw an arrow.
drawArrow(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.scrollbar.IDrawer
Draw an arrow.
drawArrow(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Draw an arrow.
drawBackground(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Draw the background.
drawBackground(Graphics, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.scrollbar.IDrawer
Draw the background.
drawBackground(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Draw the background.
drawBody(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Draw the body.
drawBody(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.scrollbar.IDrawer
Draw the body.
drawBody(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Draw the body.
drawCursor(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Draw the cursor.
drawCursor(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.scrollbar.IDrawer
Draw the cursor.
drawCursor(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Draw the cursor.
drawEmptySelection(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.IFont
Draw the given number of spaces as selection.
drawEmptySelection(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.MonospacedFont
Draw the given number of spaces as selection.
drawSelection(Graphics, String, int, int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.IFont
Draw the given characters as selection.
drawSelection(Graphics, String, int, int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.MonospacedFont
Draw the given characters as selection.


elements() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Retrieve an enumeration on all added components.
elements() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICache
Retrieve an enumeration on all added components.
enter() - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Handle an enter event.
enter() - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Handle an enter event.
enter() - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Handle an enter event.
enter() - Method in class palmed.ui.Button
Enter the button.
enter(String) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IInputListener
The user entered a value.
equals(Object) - Method in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class palmed.file.File
error(String) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IResult
Report an error.
error(String) - Method in class palmed.Result
Report an error.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.AboutCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.CloseCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.CopyCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.CutCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.ExitCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.NewCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.NextCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.OpenCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.PasteCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.PreferencesCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.PreviousCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.RedoCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.SaveAsCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.SaveCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in class palmed.command.UndoCommand
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in interface palmed.ui.ICommand
Execute the command.
exists() - Method in class palmed.file.File
Test if the file exists.
exists() - Method in interface palmed.file.IFile
Test if the file exists.
ExitCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'exit' command.
ExitCommand(MIDlet, ISerializable, IRecordFactory) - Constructor for class palmed.command.ExitCommand
Create an 'exit' command.
extend(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Extend selection up to the given point.
extend(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Extend selection up to the given point.


File - Class in palmed.file
This class represents a file on the file system.
File(String) - Constructor for class palmed.file.File
Create a file.
FileBrowser - Class in palmed.file
This class implements a file browser.
FileBrowser(Display, Displayable) - Constructor for class palmed.file.FileBrowser
Create a file browser.
FileOpenListener - Class in palmed
This class implements a browser listener to open files.
FileOpenListener(IBufferManager, IResult) - Constructor for class palmed.FileOpenListener
Create a file open listener.
FileOverwriteListener - Class in palmed
This class wraps a file browser listener to prompt the user for confirmation.
FileOverwriteListener(Display, Displayable, IFileBrowserListener) - Constructor for class palmed.FileOverwriteListener
Create a file overwrite listener.
FileSaveListener - Class in palmed
This class implements a browser listener to cope with file saving.
FileSaveListener(IBufferManager, IResult) - Constructor for class palmed.FileSaveListener
Create a file save listener.
fill(List, IDirectory) - Method in class palmed.file.DirectoryVisitor
Lists alphabetically the directories and files contained in a given directory.
forward() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Extend selection one character forward.
forward() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Extend selection one character forward.


get(String, boolean) - Method in class palmed.option.Configuration
Retrieve a boolean value.
get(String, String) - Method in class palmed.option.Configuration
Retrieve a string value.
getColumns() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Retrieve the number of columns.
getHeight() - Method in interface palmed.edit.IFont
Retrieve the height of a character.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Retrieve the current height.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.MonospacedFont
Retrieve the height of a character.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Retrieve the current height.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Retrieve the current height.
getHeight() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Retrieve the height of the text.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Retrieve the height of the text.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Retrieve the height of the text.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Retrieve the current height.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.ui.Button
Retrieve the height.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Retrieve the current height.
getHeight() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Retrieve the current height.
getHeight() - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Retrieve the current height.
getIndex(ISerializable) - Method in interface palmed.io.IRecordFactory
Get an index.
getIndex(ISerializable) - Method in class palmed.io.RecordFactory
Get an index.
getLayout() - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Retrieve the layout.
getLayout() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Retrieve the layout.
getLayout() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Retrieve the layout.
getLayout() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Retrieve the layout.
getLayout() - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Retrieve the layout.
getLayout() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Retrieve the layout.
getLayout() - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Retrieve the layout.
getLine(int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Retrieve a given line.
getLine(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Retrieve a given line.
getLine(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Retrieve a given line.
getLines() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Retrieve the number of lines.
getSize() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Retrieve the size.
getWidth() - Method in interface palmed.edit.IFont
Retrieve the width of a character.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Retrieve the current width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.edit.MonospacedFont
Retrieve the width of a character.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Retrieve the current width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Retrieve the width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Retrieve the current width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Retrieve the current width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.ui.Button
Retrieve the width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Retrieve the current width.
getWidth() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Retrieve the current width.
getWidth() - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Retrieve the current width.


hasBeenModified() - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Test if the buffer has been modified.
hasBeenModified() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBuffer
Test if the buffer has been modified.
hasBeenModified() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Test if the current buffer has been modified.
hasBeenModified() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Test if the buffer has been modified.
hasBeenModified() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Test if the current buffer has been modified.
hasBeenModified() - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Test the modification flag.
hasBeenModified() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Test the modification flag.
hasFile(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Test if the given file is handled by the buffer.
hasFile(IFile) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBuffer
Test if the given file is handled by the buffer.
hasFile(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Test if the given file is handled by the buffer.
hashCode() - Method in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
hashCode() - Method in class palmed.file.File
HorizontalScrollbar - Class in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This class provides an horizontal scrollbar.
HorizontalScrollbar(IViewport) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Create an horizontal scrollbar.


IAction - Interface in palmed.edit.selection
This interface defines an action.
IBuffer - Interface in palmed.buffer
This interface defines the operations available on a buffer.
IBufferFactory - Interface in palmed.buffer
This interface defines a factory for buffer creation.
IBufferManager - Interface in palmed.buffer
This interface defines the operations available on a buffer manager.
ICachable - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a cachable component.
ICache - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines cache related callbacks.
IChunkFactory - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a factory for text chunks.
ICommand - Interface in palmed.ui
Thiis interface defines a command.
ICommandListener - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines a command listener.
IComponent - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines a gui component.
IConfirmationListener - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines callbacks for the confirmation dialog.
IContent - Interface in palmed.edit.view
This interface defines the text box content operations.
ICoordinateExtractor - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a functor for coordinate extraction.
IDirectory - Interface in palmed.file
This interface defines a file system directory.
IDirectoryVisitor - Interface in palmed.file
This interface defines a means to retrieve the content of a directory.
IDrawer - Interface in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This interface defines a component able to draw a scrollbar.
IFile - Interface in palmed.file
This interface defines the operations available on a file.
IFileBrowserListener - Interface in palmed.file
This interface defines a callback to receive file selection notification events.
IFont - Interface in palmed.edit
This class defines a custom monospaced font.
IInputListener - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines callbacks for the input dialog.
ILayoutManager - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines a layout manager.
ILineExtractor - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a functor for line extraction.
ILineVisitor - Interface in palmed.edit.selection
This interface defines a means to visit lines of text.
InputDialog - Class in palmed.ui
This dialog prompts the user for a string input.
InputDialog(String, String, IInputListener) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.InputDialog
Create a dialog for user input.
insert(Coordinate, char) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Insert a character at a given position.
insert(Coordinate, char) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Insert a character at a given position.
insert(Coordinate, char) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Insert a character at a given position.
insertNewLine(Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Split a line in two lines.
insertNewLine(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Split a line in two lines.
insertNewLine(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Split a line in two lines.
IProgressIndicator - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines a progress indicator callback.
IRecord - Interface in palmed.io
This interface defines a record.
IRecordBuffer - Interface in palmed.buffer
This interface defines an adapter between a buffer and a record.
IRecordFactory - Interface in palmed.io
This interface defines a factory for records.
IResult - Interface in palmed.buffer
This interface defines an operation result handler.
IScrollable - Interface in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This interface defines a scrollable component.
IScrollbar - Interface in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This interface defines a scrollbar.
IScrollView - Interface in palmed.edit.view
This interface defines scrolling callbacks.
ISelection - Interface in palmed.edit.selection
This interface defines the operations available on a text selection.
ISelectionView - Interface in palmed.edit.selection
This interface defines a means to receive events concerning selection modifications.
isEmpty() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Test if the selection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Test if the selection is empty.
ISerializable - Interface in palmed.io
This interface defines a serializable component.
isInPath(String) - Method in class palmed.file.Directory
Test if a given name is in the path of the directory.
isInPath(String) - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectory
Test if a given name is in the path of the directory.
isInPath(String) - Method in class palmed.file.Root
Test if a given name is in the path of the directory.
isWritable() - Method in class palmed.file.Directory
Test if directories or files can be created in this directory.
isWritable() - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectory
Test if directories or files can be created in this directory.
isWritable() - Method in class palmed.file.Root
Test if directories or files can be created in this directory.
IText - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines text manipulations.
ITextBox - Interface in palmed.edit
This interface defines a text box.
ITextBuilder - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a builder for text.
ITextExtractor - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a functor for text extraction.
ITextView - Interface in palmed.edit.text
This interface defines a means to receive events concerning text modifications.
IToolbar - Interface in palmed.ui
This interface defines a toolbar.
IView - Interface in palmed.edit.view
This interface defines an adapter between text and selection views.
IViewport - Interface in palmed.edit.view
This interface defines a scrollable content.


keyPressed(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
keyRepeated(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox


LargeText - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class implements a composite of cachable text chunks.
LargeText(ICache, int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Create a large text.
leave() - Method in class palmed.ui.Button
Leave the button.
lessThan(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
Test if the coordinate is less than another.
LineBuilder - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class implements a line extractor to build the corresponding text.
LineBuilder(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.LineBuilder
Create a line builder.
LineDelimiterInspector - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class wraps an InputStream in order to detect the line delimiter type.
LineDelimiterInspector(InputStream) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
Create a line delimiter inspector.
LineDelimiterInspector() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
Create a default line delimiter.
LineDrawer - Class in palmed.edit
This class handles the mechanics of drawing a given line of text.
LineDrawer(IFont, int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.LineDrawer
Create a line drawer.


mark(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
markSupported() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
markSupported() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.command.PreferencesDialog
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.io.ISerializable
Write to an output stream.
marshall(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.io.Record
Write to an output stream.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterDeletion
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterInsertion
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Cut
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.IAction
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.NewLineInsertion
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Paste
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionDeletion
Merge another action.
merge(IAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionReplacement
Merge another action.
ModificationIndicator - Class in palmed.edit
This class implements a modification indicator watching a given text.
ModificationIndicator() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Create a modification indicator.
modified(boolean) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Notify the modification flag has changed.
modified(boolean) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ITextView
Notify the modification flag has changed.
modified(boolean) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Notify the modification flag has changed.
modified(boolean) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.NullView
Notify the modification flag has changed.
modified(boolean) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Notify the modification flag has changed.
MonospacedFont - Class in palmed.edit
This class implements a custom monospaced bitmap font.
MonospacedFont(String) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.MonospacedFont
Create a monospaced font.
move(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Move the component to the given position.
MultiInputStream - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class provides a means to split a stream into chunks.
MultiInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
Create a multi input stream.


NewCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'new' command.
NewCommand(IBufferManager) - Constructor for class palmed.command.NewCommand
Create a 'new' command.
NewLineInserter - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class provides a means to insert a new line in a text.
NewLineInserter() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.NewLineInserter
NewLineInsertion - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to replace the selection (if any) with a new line.
NewLineInsertion(ISelection, IText, Coordinate) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.NewLineInsertion
Create an enter action.
next() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Switch to the next buffer.
next() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Switch to the next buffer.
next() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
Move to next chunk.
NextCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'next' command.
NextCommand(IBufferManager) - Constructor for class palmed.command.NextCommand
Create a next command.
NullView - Class in palmed.edit.view
This class implements a null view according to the null object pattern.
NullView() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.view.NullView


onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterDeletion
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterInsertion
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Cut
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.NewLineInsertion
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Paste
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionDeletion
Perform the action.
onPerform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionReplacement
Perform the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterDeletion
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterInsertion
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Cut
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.NewLineInsertion
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Paste
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionDeletion
Redo the action.
onRedo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionReplacement
Redo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterDeletion
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.CharacterInsertion
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Cut
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.NewLineInsertion
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Paste
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionDeletion
Undo the action.
onUndo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionReplacement
Undo the action.
open(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Open the given file.
open(IFile) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBuffer
Open the given file.
open() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Open an empty buffer.
open(IFile) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Open the given file in a buffer.
open(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Open the given file.
open() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Open an empty buffer.
open(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Open the given file in a buffer.
OpenCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'open' command.
OpenCommand(Display, FileBrowser, IFileBrowserListener) - Constructor for class palmed.command.OpenCommand
Create an 'open' command.
openInputStream() - Method in class palmed.file.File
Open an input stream.
openInputStream() - Method in interface palmed.file.IFile
Open an input stream.
openOutputStream() - Method in class palmed.file.File
Open an output stream.
openOutputStream() - Method in interface palmed.file.IFile
Open an output stream.
overwriteFinalState(AbstractAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Overwrite the current final state with the one of another action.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Paint the component.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Paint the component.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Paint the scrollbar.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Paint the component.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Paint the component.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.ui.Button
Paint the button.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Paint the component.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
paint(Graphics) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Paint the component.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Paint the component.
palmed - package palmed
Implements a text file editor MIDlet.
PalmEd - Class in palmed
This class implements the application bootstrap.
PalmEd() - Constructor for class palmed.PalmEd
Create the application.
palmed.buffer - package palmed.buffer
Provides buffer management for the editor.
palmed.command - package palmed.command
Provides the set of commands for the application.
palmed.edit - package palmed.edit
Implements a custom text edit box.
palmed.edit.scrollbar - package palmed.edit.scrollbar
Provides a custom scrollbar.
palmed.edit.selection - package palmed.edit.selection
Provides high-level text operations.
palmed.edit.text - package palmed.edit.text
Manages text related operations.
palmed.edit.util - package palmed.edit.util
Provides various convenient classes.
palmed.edit.view - package palmed.edit.view
Handles a viewed area.
palmed.file - package palmed.file
Implements a custom file browser.
palmed.io - package palmed.io
Defines io components.
palmed.option - package palmed.option
Manages configuration options.
palmed.ui - package palmed.ui
Provides generic ui components.
palmed.util - package palmed.util
Provides various convenient classes.
paste() - Method in class palmed.command.CopyPasteManager
Paste the text previously copied or cut.
paste(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Paste the given text.
paste(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Paste the given text.
paste(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Paste the given text.
Paste - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to paste text replacing the current selection.
Paste(ISelection, InputStream) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.Paste
Create a paste action.
paste(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Paste the given text.
paste(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Paste the given text.
paste(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Paste the given text.
paste(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Paste the given text.
PasteCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implement the 'paste' command.
PasteCommand(CopyPasteManager) - Constructor for class palmed.command.PasteCommand
Create a copy command.
pauseApp() - Method in class palmed.PalmEd
perform() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Perform the operation.
perform() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.IAction
Perform the operation.
persist() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Save the record.
persist() - Method in interface palmed.io.IRecord
Save the record.
persist() - Method in class palmed.io.Record
Save the record.
pointerDragged(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
pointerPressed(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
pointerReleased(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
PreferencesCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'preferences' command.
PreferencesCommand(Display, Displayable, IRecordFactory, ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.command.PreferencesCommand
Create a preferences dialog.
PreferencesDialog - Class in palmed.command
This dialog displays a list of editable user options.
PreferencesDialog(Display, Displayable, IRecordFactory, ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.command.PreferencesDialog
Create an 'about' dialog.
prependData(AbstractAction) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Prepend the current backup data with the data from another action.
previous() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Switch to the previous buffer.
previous() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Switch to the previous buffer.
PreviousCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'previous' command.
PreviousCommand(IBufferManager) - Constructor for class palmed.command.PreviousCommand
Create a previous command.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception palmed.util.ChainedException
ProgressDialog - Class in palmed.ui
This dialog displays a progress bar.
ProgressDialog(Display, String, int, Displayable) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.ProgressDialog
Create a progress dialog.
purge() - Method in interface palmed.io.IRecordFactory
Destroy all records.
purge() - Method in class palmed.io.RecordFactory
Destroy all records.


read(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Reset the text box and read text from a stream.
read(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Replace the current selection with the text from the given stream.
read(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Replace the current selection with the text from the given stream.
read(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Read the text from the given stream.
read(InputStream, Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Insert a part of text from the given stream.
read(InputStream, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Insert a part of text from the given stream.
read(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Read the text from the given stream.
read() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
read(byte[]) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
read() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.MultiInputStream
read(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Read the text from the given stream.
read(InputStream, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Insert a part of text from the given stream.
read(byte[]) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.TextReader
Read into the buffer and trigger builder callbacks.
read(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Reset the text box and read text from a stream.
readReference(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IRecordBuffer
Read from an input stream.
readReference(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Read from an input stream.
Record - Class in palmed.io
This class handles serialization as a record.
Record(RecordStore, ISerializable) - Constructor for class palmed.io.Record
Create a buffer record.
Record(RecordStore, ISerializable, int) - Constructor for class palmed.io.Record
Create a record from a given identifier.
RecordBuffer - Class in palmed.buffer
This class provides an adapter between records and buffers.
RecordBuffer(IRecordFactory, ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Create a record buffer.
RecordBufferManager - Class in palmed.buffer
This class provides multi-buffer support using records.
RecordBufferManager(IBufferFactory) - Constructor for class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Create a buffer manager.
RecordException - Exception in palmed.io
This class represents an exception for record operations.
RecordException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception palmed.io.RecordException
Create a record exception.
RecordException(String) - Constructor for exception palmed.io.RecordException
Create a record exception.
RecordException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception palmed.io.RecordException
Create a record exception.
RecordFactory - Class in palmed.io
This class implements a record factory based on a record store.
RecordFactory(String) - Constructor for class palmed.io.RecordFactory
Create a record factory.
redo() - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Redo the last undo.
redo() - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Redo the last undo.
redo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Redo the operation.
redo() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.IAction
Redo the operation.
redo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Redo the last undone action.
redo() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Redo the last undo.
redo() - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Redo the last undo.
redo() - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Redo the last undo.
RedoCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'redo' command.
RedoCommand(ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.command.RedoCommand
Create a redo command.
refresh() - Method in class palmed.ui.AboutDialog
Refresh informations.
refresh() - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
Refresh components layout.
refresh() - Method in interface palmed.ui.ILayoutManager
Refresh components layout.
refuse() - Method in class palmed.command.CloseConfirmationListener
The user refused.
refuse() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IConfirmationListener
The user refused.
register(IView) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Register a view for events notification.
register(ISelectionView) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Register a view to receive insertion point notification changes.
register(ISelectionView) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Register a view to receive insertion point notification changes.
register(ITextView) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Register a view for events notification.
register(ITextView) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Register a view for events notification.
register(ITextView) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Register a view to receive lines invalidation events.
register(IView) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Register a view for events notification.
register(IScrollView) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IViewport
Register a view to be notified of scroll events.
register(IView) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Register a view for events notification.
register(IScrollView) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Register a view to be notified of scroll events.
remove(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Remove the text between two positions.
remove(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Remove the text between two positions.
remove(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Remove the text between two positions.
RepeatableTimer - Class in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This class preventS a timer to be reinitialized when already running.
RepeatableTimer() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.scrollbar.RepeatableTimer
Create a scrolling timer.
reset() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Reset selection.
reset() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Reset selection.
reset() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Request a component resize.
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Request a component resize.
resize(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Resize the scrollbar.
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Request a component resize.
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Request a component resize.
resize(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IViewport
Resize the viewport.
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Resize the viewport.
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Request a component resize.
resize(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Request a component resize.
resize(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Request a component resize.
restore() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Load the record.
restore() - Method in interface palmed.io.IRecord
Load the record.
restore() - Method in class palmed.io.Record
Load the record.
restoreData() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Remove the selected text and restore backup.
Result - Class in palmed
This class receives operation completion notifications.
Result(Display, Displayable) - Constructor for class palmed.Result
Create a result.
Root - Class in palmed.file
This class implements the root of all file systems roots.
Root() - Constructor for class palmed.file.Root
rootChanged(int, String) - Method in class palmed.file.FileBrowser


save() - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Save the file.
save(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Save into the given file.
save() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBuffer
Save the file.
save(IFile) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBuffer
Save into the given file.
save() - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Save the file in the current buffer.
save(IFile) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IBufferManager
Save the current buffer into the given file.
save() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Save the file.
save(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Save into the given file.
save() - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Save the file in the current buffer.
save(IFile) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Save the current buffer into the given file.
SaveAsCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'save as' command.
SaveAsCommand(Display, FileBrowser, IFileBrowserListener) - Constructor for class palmed.command.SaveAsCommand
Create a 'save as' command.
SaveCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'save' command.
SaveCommand(IBufferManager, ICommand) - Constructor for class palmed.command.SaveCommand
Create a save command.
scroll(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Scroll the component.
scroll(int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.scrollbar.IScrollable
Scroll the component.
scroll(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Scroll the cursor to the given value.
scroll(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Scroll the component.
scroll(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IViewport
Scroll the viewport.
scroll(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Scroll the viewport.
Scrollbar - Class in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This class captures common behaviours of scrollbars.
Scrollbar(IScrollable, IDrawer) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Create a scrollbar.
scrolled(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
The content has scrolled to the given position.
scrolled(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
The content has scrolled to the given position.
scrolled(Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IScrollView
The content has scrolled to the given position.
select(IText, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.CharacterInserter
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.CoordinateExtractor
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICoordinateExtractor
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ILineExtractor
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ITextExtractor
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineBuilder
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.NewLineInserter
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.TextDeserializer
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.TextEraser
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(IText, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.TextSerializer
Notify a text matches the search criteria.
select(String, IFileBrowserListener) - Method in class palmed.file.Directory
Select a file or sub-directory.
select(String, IFileBrowserListener) - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectory
Select a file or sub-directory.
select(IFile) - Method in interface palmed.file.IFileBrowserListener
Notify about a file selection.
select(String, IFileBrowserListener) - Method in class palmed.file.Root
Select a file or sub-directory.
select(IFile) - Method in class palmed.FileOpenListener
Notify about a file selection.
select(IFile) - Method in class palmed.FileOverwriteListener
Notify about a file selection.
select(IFile) - Method in class palmed.FileSaveListener
Notify about a file selection.
Selection - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class manages the text selection.
Selection(IText) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Create a selection.
SelectionDeletion - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to delete the selected text.
SelectionDeletion(ISelection) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionDeletion
Create a backspace action.
SelectionReplacement - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an action to replace the selection with a character.
SelectionReplacement(ISelection, IText, char, Coordinate) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.SelectionReplacement
Create a type action.
setFont(String) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Change the font.
setFont(String) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Change the font.
setFont(String) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Change the font.
setLineSeparator(String) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Change the line separator.
setLineSeparator(String) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Change the line separator.
setLineSeparator(String) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Change the line separator.
setLineSeparator(String) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Change the line separator.
setLineSeparator(String) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Change the line separator.
setListener(IFileBrowserListener) - Method in class palmed.file.FileBrowser
Set or change the file browser listener.
sizeChanged(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Container
skip() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Skip the next merge.
skip(long) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
sleep() - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICachable
Switch to sleep state.
start(TimerTask) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.RepeatableTimer
Start the timer.
startApp() - Method in class palmed.PalmEd
step() - Method in interface palmed.ui.IProgressIndicator
Increments the progress indicator.
step() - Method in class palmed.ui.ProgressDialog
Increments the progress indicator. The dialog is dismissed if the maximum number of steps has been reached.
stop() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.RepeatableTimer
Stop the timer.


Text - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class handles the text.
Text() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.Text
Create a text.
TextArea - Class in palmed.edit
This class implements a text area component.
TextArea(Viewport) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.TextArea
Create a text area component.
TextBox - Class in palmed.edit
This class implements a custom text box component.
TextBox() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.TextBox
Create a text box.
TextDeserializer - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class provides a means to insert some text from a stream.
TextDeserializer(InputStream, Vector) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.TextDeserializer
Create a text deserializer.
TextEraser - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class provides a means to remove part of a text.
TextEraser() - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.TextEraser
TextReader - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class reads a stream and builds the corresponding text.
TextReader(InputStream, ITextBuilder) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.TextReader
Create a text reader.
TextSerializer - Class in palmed.edit.text
This class provides a means to write part of a text to a stream.
TextSerializer(OutputStream, Vector) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.text.TextSerializer
Create a text serializer.
Toolbar - Class in palmed.ui
This class implements a custom toolbar.
Toolbar(ICommandListener, ILayoutManager) - Constructor for class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Create a toolbar.
toString() - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
toString() - Method in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
toString() - Method in class palmed.file.Directory
toString() - Method in class palmed.file.File
TranslatedLineVisitor - Class in palmed.edit.view
This class wraps a line visitor to translate each line to a given column.
TranslatedLineVisitor(ILineVisitor, int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.view.TranslatedLineVisitor
Create a translated line visitor.
trigger() - Method in class palmed.ui.Button
Trigger the button if in enter state.
triggered(ICommand) - Method in class palmed.PalmEd
Handle a command.
triggered(ICommand) - Method in interface palmed.ui.ICommandListener
Handle a command.
type(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Handle a character typing.
type(int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Handle a character typing.
type(int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Handle a character typing.


unclick(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Handle an unclick event.
unclick(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Handle an unclick event.
unclick() - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Handle an unclick event.
unclick(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Handle an unclick event.
unclick(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Handle an unclick event.
unclick(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Component
Handle an unclick event.
unclick(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.ui.IComponent
Handle an unclick event.
unclick(int, int) - Method in class palmed.ui.Toolbar
Handle an unclick event.
undo() - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Undo the last action.
undo() - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Undo the last action.
undo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.AbstractAction
Undo the operation.
undo() - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.IAction
Undo the operation.
undo() - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Undo the last action.
undo() - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Undo the last action.
undo() - Method in interface palmed.edit.view.IContent
Undo the last action.
undo() - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Undo the last action.
UndoCommand - Class in palmed.command
This class implements the 'undo' command.
UndoCommand(ITextBox) - Constructor for class palmed.command.UndoCommand
Create an undo command.
UndoManager - Class in palmed.edit.selection
This class implements an undo manager.
UndoManager(int) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Create an undo/redo manager.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.Buffer
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBufferManager
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.command.PreferencesDialog
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.UndoManager
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in interface palmed.io.ISerializable
Read from an input stream.
unmarshall(InputStream) - Method in class palmed.io.Record
Read from an input stream.
update(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.Content
Notify the insertion position has changed.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.ModificationIndicator
Notify the text bounding box has changed.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.HorizontalScrollbar
Change the length of the cursor.
update(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.scrollbar.IScrollbar
Change the length of the cursor.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.Scrollbar
Change the length of the cursor.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Change the length of the cursor.
update(Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelectionView
Notify the insertion position has changed.
update(int, int) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ITextView
Notify the text bounding box has changed.
update(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextArea
Notify the insertion position has changed.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Notify the text bounding box has changed.
update(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Notify the insertion position has changed.
update(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.NullView
Notify the insertion position has changed.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.NullView
Notify the text bounding box has changed.
update(Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Notify the insertion position has changed.
update(int, int) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Notify the text bounding box has changed.


VerticalScrollbar - Class in palmed.edit.scrollbar
This class provides a vertical scrollbar.
VerticalScrollbar(IViewport) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.scrollbar.VerticalScrollbar
Create a vertical scrollbar.
Viewport - Class in palmed.edit.view
This class implements a viewport on a content.
Viewport(IContent) - Constructor for class palmed.edit.view.Viewport
Create a content viewport.
visit(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class palmed.edit.LineDrawer
Handle a line of text.
visit(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ILineVisitor
Handle a line of text.
visit(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class palmed.edit.view.TranslatedLineVisitor
Handle a line of text.
visitDirectory(String) - Method in class palmed.file.DirectoryVisitor
Visit a directory.
visitDirectory(String) - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectoryVisitor
Visit a directory.
visitFile(String) - Method in class palmed.file.DirectoryVisitor
Visit a file.
visitFile(String) - Method in interface palmed.file.IDirectoryVisitor
Visit a file.


wake(ICachable) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Cache
Notify to wake a component.
wake(ICachable) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.ICache
Notify to wake a component.
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.ITextBox
Write text to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.selection.ISelection
Write the current selected text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.selection.Selection
Write the current selected text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Write the text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in interface palmed.edit.text.IText
Write a part of the text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Write a part of the text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LargeText
Write the text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.LineDelimiterInspector
Write the delimiter to an output stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Write the text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class palmed.edit.text.Text
Write a part of the text to the given stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.edit.TextBox
Write text to a stream.
writeReference(OutputStream) - Method in interface palmed.buffer.IRecordBuffer
Write to an output stream.
writeReference(OutputStream) - Method in class palmed.buffer.RecordBuffer
Write to an output stream.


x_ - Variable in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
The abcissa value.


y_ - Variable in class palmed.edit.util.Coordinate
The ordinate value.


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