Package palmed.edit.selection

Provides high-level text operations.


Interface Summary
IAction This interface defines an action.
ILineVisitor This interface defines a means to visit lines of text.
ISelection This interface defines the operations available on a text selection.
ISelectionView This interface defines a means to receive events concerning selection modifications.

Class Summary
AbstractAction This class factorizes behaviours common to all actions.
CharacterDeletion This class implements an action to delete the previous character from the current insertion point.
CharacterInsertion This class implements an action to insert a character at a given position.
Cut This class implements an action to cut the selected text.
NewLineInsertion This class implements an action to replace the selection (if any) with a new line.
Paste This class implements an action to paste text replacing the current selection.
Selection This class manages the text selection.
SelectionDeletion This class implements an action to delete the selected text.
SelectionReplacement This class implements an action to replace the selection with a character.
UndoManager This class implements an undo manager.

Package palmed.edit.selection Description

Provides high-level text operations.

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