Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILineVisitor
palmed.edit Implements a custom text edit box. 
palmed.edit.selection Provides high-level text operations. 
palmed.edit.view Handles a viewed area. 

Uses of ILineVisitor in palmed.edit

Classes in palmed.edit that implement ILineVisitor
 class LineDrawer
          This class handles the mechanics of drawing a given line of text.

Methods in palmed.edit with parameters of type ILineVisitor
 void Content.accept(ILineVisitor visitor, int y)
          Visit a line of text.

Uses of ILineVisitor in palmed.edit.selection

Methods in palmed.edit.selection with parameters of type ILineVisitor
 void Selection.accept(ILineVisitor visitor, int y)
          Visit a line of text.
 void ISelection.accept(ILineVisitor visitor, int y)
          Visit a line of text.

Uses of ILineVisitor in palmed.edit.view

Classes in palmed.edit.view that implement ILineVisitor
 class TranslatedLineVisitor
          This class wraps a line visitor to translate each line to a given column.

Methods in palmed.edit.view with parameters of type ILineVisitor
 void Viewport.accept(ILineVisitor visitor, int y)
          Visit a line of text.
 void IContent.accept(ILineVisitor visitor, int y)
          Visit a line of text.

Constructors in palmed.edit.view with parameters of type ILineVisitor
TranslatedLineVisitor(ILineVisitor visitor, int column)
          Create a translated line visitor.

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