Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractAction
palmed.edit.selection Provides high-level text operations. 

Uses of AbstractAction in palmed.edit.selection

Subclasses of AbstractAction in palmed.edit.selection
 class CharacterDeletion
          This class implements an action to delete the previous character from the current insertion point.
 class CharacterInsertion
          This class implements an action to insert a character at a given position.
 class Cut
          This class implements an action to cut the selected text.
 class NewLineInsertion
          This class implements an action to replace the selection (if any) with a new line.
 class Paste
          This class implements an action to paste text replacing the current selection.
 class SelectionDeletion
          This class implements an action to delete the selected text.
 class SelectionReplacement
          This class implements an action to replace the selection with a character.

Methods in palmed.edit.selection with parameters of type AbstractAction
protected  void AbstractAction.overwriteFinalState(AbstractAction action)
          Overwrite the current final state with the one of another action.
protected  void AbstractAction.prependData(AbstractAction action)
          Prepend the current backup data with the data from another action.

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