Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICommand
palmed Implements a text file editor MIDlet. 
palmed.command Provides the set of commands for the application. 
palmed.ui Provides generic ui components. 

Uses of ICommand in palmed

Methods in palmed with parameters of type ICommand
 void PalmEd.triggered(ICommand command)
          Handle a command.

Uses of ICommand in palmed.command

Classes in palmed.command that implement ICommand
 class AboutCommand
          This class implements the 'about' command.
 class CloseCommand
          This class implements the 'close' command.
 class CopyCommand
          This class implements the 'copy' command.
 class CutCommand
          This class implements the 'cut' command.
 class ExitCommand
          This class implements the 'exit' command.
 class NewCommand
          This class implements the 'new' command.
 class NextCommand
          This class implements the 'next' command.
 class OpenCommand
          This class implements the 'open' command.
 class PasteCommand
          This class implement the 'paste' command.
 class PreferencesCommand
          This class implements the 'preferences' command.
 class PreviousCommand
          This class implements the 'previous' command.
 class RedoCommand
          This class implements the 'redo' command.
 class SaveAsCommand
          This class implements the 'save as' command.
 class SaveCommand
          This class implements the 'save' command.
 class UndoCommand
          This class implements the 'undo' command.

Constructors in palmed.command with parameters of type ICommand
SaveCommand(IBufferManager manager, ICommand command)
          Create a save command.

Uses of ICommand in palmed.ui

Methods in palmed.ui with parameters of type ICommand
 void Toolbar.add(ICommand command, java.lang.String image)
          Add a button to the toolbar.
 void IToolbar.add(ICommand command, java.lang.String image)
          Add a button to the toolbar.
 void ICommandListener.triggered(ICommand command)
          Handle a command.

Constructors in palmed.ui with parameters of type ICommand
Button(ICommand command, ICommandListener listener, java.lang.String image)
          Create a button.

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