Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITextView
palmed.edit Implements a custom text edit box. 
palmed.edit.text Manages text related operations. 
palmed.edit.view Handles a viewed area. 

Uses of ITextView in palmed.edit

Classes in palmed.edit that implement ITextView
 class ModificationIndicator
          This class implements a modification indicator watching a given text.
 class TextBox
          This class implements a custom text box component.

Uses of ITextView in palmed.edit.text

Methods in palmed.edit.text with parameters of type ITextView
 void Text.register(ITextView view)
          Register a view to receive lines invalidation events.
 void LargeText.register(ITextView view)
          Register a view for events notification.
 void IText.register(ITextView view)
          Register a view for events notification.

Uses of ITextView in palmed.edit.view

Subinterfaces of ITextView in palmed.edit.view
 interface IView
          This interface defines an adapter between text and selection views.

Classes in palmed.edit.view that implement ITextView
 class NullView
          This class implements a null view according to the null object pattern.
 class Viewport
          This class implements a viewport on a content.

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