Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITextBox
palmed.buffer Provides buffer management for the editor. 
palmed.command Provides the set of commands for the application. 
palmed.edit Implements a custom text edit box. 

Uses of ITextBox in palmed.buffer

Constructors in palmed.buffer with parameters of type ITextBox
Buffer(ITextBox textBox)
          Create an empty buffer.
BufferFactory(IRecordFactory factory, ITextBox textBox)
          Create a buffer factory.
RecordBuffer(IRecordFactory factory, ITextBox textBox)
          Create a record buffer.

Uses of ITextBox in palmed.command

Constructors in palmed.command with parameters of type ITextBox
CopyPasteManager(ITextBox textBox)
          Create a copy/paste controller.
PreferencesCommand(javax.microedition.lcdui.Display display, javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable next, IRecordFactory factory, ITextBox textBox)
          Create a preferences dialog.
PreferencesDialog(javax.microedition.lcdui.Display display, javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable next, IRecordFactory factory, ITextBox textBox)
          Create an 'about' dialog.
RedoCommand(ITextBox textBox)
          Create a redo command.
UndoCommand(ITextBox textBox)
          Create an undo command.

Uses of ITextBox in palmed.edit

Classes in palmed.edit that implement ITextBox
 class TextBox
          This class implements a custom text box component.

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